Basic parameters
Product | Product application | Seamless steel tubes | for structural purposes |
Standard | GOST |
Dimensional standard |
Steel grade | |
Surface coating | Without coating |
Dimensions | 20.0 x 2.5 - 140.0 x 16.0 mm |
Dimensional table |
Key: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
* - dimension of TU 14-3R-55-2001 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hot rolled tubes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cold drawn tubes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Outside |
Wall thickness [mm] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
diameter | 2,5 | 2,6 | 2,8 | 3,0 | 3,2 | 3,5 | 4,0 | 4,5 | 5,0 | 5,5 | 6,0 | 6,5* | 7,0 | 7,5* | 8,0 | 8,5 | 9,0 | 9,5 | 10,0 | 11,0 | 12,0 | 13,0* | 14,0 | 15,0* | 16,0 | mm |
[mm] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20,0 | 1,08 | 1,12 | 1,19 | 1,26 | 1,33 | 1,42 | 1,58 | 20,0 | ||||||||||||||||||
21,3 | 1,16 | 1,20 | 1,28 | 1,35 | 1,43 | 1,54 | 1,71 | 21,3 | ||||||||||||||||||
22,0 | 1,20 | 1,24 | 1,33 | 1,41 | 1,48 | 1,60 | 1,78 | 22,0 | ||||||||||||||||||
25,0 | 1,39 | 1,44 | 1,53 | 1,63 | 1,72 | 1,86 | 2,07 | 25,0 | ||||||||||||||||||
26,9 | 1,50 | 1,56 | 1,66 | 1,77 | 1,87 | 2,02 | 2,26 | 2,49 | 2,70 | 26,9 | ||||||||||||||||
28,0 | 1,57 | 1,63 | 1,74 | 1,85 | 1,96 | 2,12 | 2,37 | 2,61 | 2,84 | 28,0 | ||||||||||||||||
30,0 | 1,70 | 1,76 | 1,88 | 2,00 | 2,12 | 2,29 | 2,57 | 2,83 | 3,08 | 3,32 | 3,55 | 30,0 | ||||||||||||||
31,8 | 1,80 | 1,87 | 2,00 | 2,13 | 2,26 | 2,44 | 2,74 | 3,03 | 3,31 | 3,57 | 3,81 | 4,06 | 4,28 | 31,8 | ||||||||||||
32,0 | 1,82 | 1,89 | 2,02 | 2,15 | 2,27 | 2,46 | 2,76 | 3,05 | 3,33 | 3,59 | 3,85 | 4,09 | 4,32 | 32,0 | ||||||||||||
33,7 | 1,92 | 1,99 | 2,13 | 2,27 | 2,41 | 2,61 | 2,93 | 3,24 | 3,54 | 3,83 | 4,10 | 4,36 | 4,61 | 33,7 | ||||||||||||
35,0 | 2,00 | 2,08 | 2,22 | 2,37 | 2,51 | 2,72 | 3,06 | 3,39 | 3,70 | 4,00 | 4,29 | 4,57 | 4,83 | 35,0 | ||||||||||||
38,0 | 2,19 | 2,27 | 2,43 | 2,59 | 2,75 | 2,98 | 3,35 | 3,72 | 4,07 | 4,41 | 4,74 | 5,05 | 5,35 | 5,64 | 5,92 | 38,0 | ||||||||||
40,0 | 2,31 | 2,40 | 2,57 | 2,74 | 2,90 | 3,15 | 3,55 | 3,94 | 4,32 | 4,68 | 5,03 | 5,37 | 5,70 | 6,01 | 6,31 | 40,0 | ||||||||||
42,0 | 2,44 | 2,53 | 2,71 | 2,89 | 3,06 | 3,32 | 3,75 | 4,16 | 4,56 | 4,95 | 5,33 | 5,69 | 6,04 | 6,38 | 6,71 | 42,0 | ||||||||||
42,4 | 2,46 | 2,55 | 2,73 | 2,92 | 3,09 | 3,36 | 3,79 | 4,21 | 4,61 | 5,01 | 5,39 | 5,76 | 6,11 | 6,46 | 6,79 | 7,11 | 42,4 | |||||||||
44,5 | 2,59 | 2,69 | 2,88 | 3,07 | 3,26 | 3,54 | 4,00 | 4,44 | 4,87 | 5,29 | 5,70 | 6,09 | 6,47 | 6,84 | 7,20 | 7,55 | 7,88 | 8,20 | 8,51 | 44,5 | ||||||
45,0 | 2,62 | 2,72 | 2,91 | 3,11 | 3,30 | 3,58 | 4,04 | 4,50 | 4,93 | 5,36 | 5,77 | 6,17 | 6,56 | 6,94 | 7,30 | 7,65 | 7,99 | 8,32 | 8,63 | 45,0 | ||||||
48,0 | 2,80 | 2,91 | 3,12 | 3,33 | 3,54 | 3,84 | 4,34 | 4,83 | 5,30 | 5,77 | 6,22 | 6,65 | 7,08 | 7,49 | 7,89 | 8,28 | 8,66 | 9,02 | 9,37 | 48,0 | ||||||
48,3 | 2,82 | 2,93 | 3,14 | 3,35 | 3,56 | 3,87 | 4,37 | 4,86 | 5,34 | 5,80 | 6,26 | 6,70 | 7,13 | 7,55 | 7,95 | 8,34 | 8,72 | 9,09 | 9,45 | 48,3 | ||||||
50,0 | 3,04 | 3,26 | 3,48 | 3,69 | 4,01 | 4,54 | 5,05 | 5,55 | 6,04 | 6,51 | 6,9 | 7,42 | 7,86 | 8,29 | 8,70 | 9,10 | 9,49 | 9,86 | 50,0 | |||||||
51,0 | 3,10 | 3,33 | 3,55 | 3,77 | 4,10 | 4,64 | 5,16 | 5,67 | 6,17 | 6,66 | 7,13 | 7,60 | 8,05 | 8,48 | 8,91 | 9,32 | 9,72 | 10,11 | 51,0 | |||||||
54,0 | 3,30 | 3,54 | 3,77 | 4,01 | 4,36 | 4,93 | 5,49 | 6,04 | 6,58 | 7,10 | 7,61 | 8,11 | 8,60 | 9,08 | 9,54 | 9,99 | 10,43 | 10,85 | 54,0 | |||||||
55,0 | 3,36 | 3,60 | 3,85 | 4,09 | 4,45 | 5,03 | 5,60 | 6,17 | 6,71 | 7,25 | 7,77 | 8,29 | 8,79 | 9,27 | 9,75 | 10,21 | 10,66 | 11,10 | 55,0 | |||||||
57,0 | 3,74 | 4,00 | 4,25 | 4,62 | 5,23 | 5,83 | 6,41 | 6,99 | 7,55 | 8,10 | 8,63 | 9,16 | 9,67 | 10,17 | 10,65 | 11,13 | 11,59 | 12,48 | 13,32 | 57,0 | ||||||
60,0 | 3,95 | 4,22 | 4,48 | 4,88 | 5,52 | 6,16 | 6,78 | 7,39 | 7,99 | 8,58 | 9,15 | 9,71 | 10,26 | 10,80 | 11,32 | 11,83 | 12,33 | 13,29 | 14,21 | 60,0 | ||||||
60,3 | 3,97 | 4,24 | 4,51 | 4,90 | 5,55 | 6,19 | 6,82 | 7,43 | 8,04 | 8,62 | 9,20 | 9,77 | 10,32 | 10,86 | 11,39 | 11,90 | 12,41 | 13,37 | 14,29 | 60,3 | ||||||
63,5 | 4,19 | 4,48 | 4,76 | 5,18 | 5,87 | 6,55 | 7,21 | 7,87 | 8,51 | 9,14 | 9,75 | 10,36 | 10,95 | 11,53 | 12,10 | 12,65 | 13,19 | 14,24 | 15,24 | 63,5 | ||||||
68,0 | 4,50 | 4,81 | 5,11 | 5,57 | 6,31 | 7,05 | 7,77 | 8,48 | 9,17 | 9,86 | 10,53 | 11,19 | 11,84 | 12,47 | 13,10 | 13,71 | 14,30 | 15,46 | 16,57 | 68,0 | ||||||
70,0 | 4,64 | 4,96 | 5,27 | 5,74 | 6,51 | 7,27 | 8,02 | 8,75 | 9,47 | 10,18 | 10,88 | 10,18 | 12,23 | 12,89 | 13,54 | 14,17 | 14,80 | 16,00 | 17,16 | 18,27 | 19,34 | 70,0 | ||||
73,0 | 4,85 | 5,18 | 5,51 | 6,00 | 6,81 | 7,60 | 8,39 | 9,16 | 9,91 | 10,66 | 11,39 | 10,66 | 12,82 | 13,52 | 14,21 | 14,88 | 15,54 | 16,82 | 18,05 | 19,24 | 20,37 | 73,0 | ||||
76,0 | 5,06 | 5,40 | 5,75 | 6,26 | 7,10 | 7,94 | 8,76 | 9,56 | 10,36 | 11,14 | 11,91 | 11,14 | 13,42 | 14,15 | 14,87 | 15,58 | 16,28 | 17,63 | 18,94 | 20,20 | 21,41 | 22,57 | 23,68 | 76,0 | ||
82,5 | 6,26 | 6,82 | 7,74 | 8,66 | 9,56 | 10,44 | 11,32 | 12,18 | 13,03 | 13,87 | 14,70 | 15,51 | 16,31 | 17,10 | 17,88 | 19,40 | 20,86 | 22,28 | 23,65 | 24,97 | 26,24 | 82,5 | ||||
83,0 | 6,30 | 6,86 | 7,79 | 8,71 | 9,62 | 10,51 | 11,39 | 12,26 | 13,12 | 13,96 | 14,80 | 15,62 | 16,42 | 17,22 | 18,00 | 19,53 | 21,01 | 22,44 | 83,0 | |||||||
89,0 | 6,77 | 7,38 | 8,39 | 9,38 | 10,36 | 11,33 | 12,28 | 13,23 | 14,16 | 15,07 | 15,98 | 16,88 | 17,76 | 18,63 | 19,83 | 21,16 | 22,79 | 24,37 | 25,89 | 27,37 | 28,80 | 89,0 | ||||
95,0 | 7,90 | 8,98 | 10,04 | 11,10 | 12,14 | 13,17 | 14,19 | 15,19 | 16,18 | 17,16 | 18,13 | 19,09 | 20,03 | 20,96 | 22,79 | 24,56 | 26,29 | 95,0 | ||||||||
102,0 | 8,50 | 9,67 | 10,82 | 11,96 | 13,09 | 14,21 | 15,31 | 16,40 | 17,48 | 18,55 | 19,60 | 20,64 | 21,67 | 22,69 | 24,69 | 26,63 | 28,53 | 30,38 | 32,18 | 33,93 | 102,0 | |||||
104,0 | 8,67 | 9,86 | 11,04 | 12,21 | 13,36 | 14,50 | 15,63 | 16,75 | 17,85 | 18,94 | 20,02 | 21,09 | 22,14 | 23,18 | 25,23 | 27,23 | 29,17 | 104,0 | ||||||||
108,0 | 9,02 | 10,26 | 11,49 | 12,70 | 13,90 | 15,09 | 16,27 | 17,44 | 18,59 | 19,73 | 20,86 | 16,27 | 23,08 | 24,17 | 26,31 | 28,41 | 30,46 | 32,46 | 34,40 | 36,30 | 108,0 | |||||
114,0 | 9,54 | 10,851 | 12,15 | 13,44 | 14,72 | 15,98 | 17,23 | 18,47 | 19,70 | 20,91 | 22,12 | 17,23 | 24,48 | 25,65 | 27,94 | 30,19 | 32,38 | 34,53 | 36,62 | 38,67 | 114,0 | |||||
121,0 | 10,14 | 11,54 | 12,93 | 14,30 | 15,67 | 17,02 | 18,35 | 19,68 | 20,99 | 22,29 | 23,58 | 24,86 | 26,12 | 27,37 | 29,84 | 32,26 | 34,63 | 36,94 | 39,21 | 41,43 | 121,0 | |||||
127,0 | 10,66 | 12,13 | 13,60 | 15,04 | 16,48 | 17,90 | 19,32 | 20,72 | 22,10 | 23,48 | 24,84 | 26,19 | 27,53 | 28,85 | 31,47 | 34,03 | 36,55 | 39,01 | 41,43 | 43,80 | 127,0 | |||||
133,0 | 11,18 | 12,73 | 14,26 | 15,78 | 17,29 | 18,79 | 20,28 | 21,75 | 23,21 | 24,66 | 26,10 | 27,52 | 28,93 | 30,33 | 33,10 | 35,81 | 38,47 | 41,09 | 43,65 | 46,17 | 133,0 | |||||
140,0 | 21,40 | 22,96 | 24,51 | 26,04 | 27,57 | 29,08 | 30,57 | 32,06 | 35,00 | 37,88 | 40,72 | 43,50 | 46,24 | 48,93 | 140,0 | |||||||||||
2,5 | 2,6 | 2,8 | 3,0 | 3,2 | 3,5 | 4,0 | 4,5 | 5,0 | 5,5 | 6,0 | 6,5* | 7,0 | 7,5* | 8,0 | 8,5 | 9,0 | 9,5 | 10,0 | 11,0 | 12,0 | 13,0* | 14,0 | 15,0* | 16,0 | mm | |
- The dimensions of steel tubes in this table are taken from the applicable European standards EN 10220 – Seamless and welded steel tubes – Dimensions and masses per unit length. This standard replaced previously existing national standards DIN, BS, NF A and other standards. The dimensios represent the current production program of steel tubes from Železiarne Podbrezová (other than precision tubes, whose dimensions are listed in other tables for precision tubes).
- Depending on the size of the outside diameters, wall thickness and their combinations are the tubes (final dimensions) produced by hot forming (hot finished by rolling) or by end forming (cold finished by drawing). Besides technological possibilities tube production method is also affected by the requirements of customers on the technical parameters of tubes.
- Informative – hot finished tubes are supplied from Podbrezová from the outside diameter D ≥ 26,9 mm and wall thickness T ≥ 2,6 mm. These tubes in the table are highlighted in red color. Production border dimensions of tubes (eg. tubes with thick walls) upon agreement. Other dimensions and precision tubes are produced by cold forming (cold drawing).
- European standards contain the tubes with other nominal tube dimensions than those listed in table. The supply of these tubes is possible.
- Dimensions of steel tubes according to U.S. standards (Tubes and Pipe), API standards, pipes for threading a tubes and pipes supplied by Japanese standard JIS are listed in other tables of dimensions.
Chemical composition
C | Si | Mn | P | S | Cr | Ni | |
min | 0.42 | 0.17 | 0.5 | 0 | |||
max | 0.5 | 0.37 | 0.8 | 0.25 |
Mo | Cu | Al | V | Ti | Nb | Sn | |
min | |||||||
max |
Mechanical properties
Re (MPa) | Re (ksi) | Rm (MPa) | Rm (ksi) | A (%) | |
min | 355 | 600 | 0 | 16 | |
max | - | - | 0 | - | - |