Extract from the product range - Product application: - casing and tubing

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Dimensions of casing and tubing
29. September 2020 | rozmerove_tabulky

Outside diameter Wall thickness Weight Size [inch] [mm] Size [inch] [mm] [lbs/ft] [kg/m] TUBING (PLAIN END) 1,050 1,050 26,7 1,14 0,113 2,87 1,13 1,70 1,48 0,154 3,91 1,47 2,19 1,315 1,315 33,4 1,70 0,133 3,38 1,68 2,52 2,19 0,179 4,55 2,17 3,21 1,660 1,660 42,16 2,09 0,125 3,17 2,05 3,05 2,30 0,140 3,56 2,27 3,43 … Continued

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